Research of Coronavirus


enveloped positive-sense RNA viruses, are characterized by club-like spikes that project from their surface, unusually large RNA genome, and a unique replication strategy... Coronaviruses (CoVs) are the largest group of viruses belonging to the Coronaviridae family. Coronavirinae having the largest identified RNA genomes, containing approximately 30 kilobases (kb) genomes.

How coronavirus become mutant:
As novel coronavirus continues to spread around the globe, viral genome sequencing gives the idea the virus is changing its genetic makeup slightly. Like all viruses, it changes small parts of their genetic code all the time. Coronavirus is a single-stranded RNA virus that uses RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) for its replication. Unlike DNA polymerase, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) does not have a proofreading mechanism which increases the rate of mutation. According to researchers, the bat is immune to coronavirus which means the virus might have kept replicating in its bat host without any harm to the host. Meanwhile, the virus might have moved to its intermediate host where it mutated enough to infect humans. If the infection continues at this rate, it will surely result in more viral replication which means higher chances of mutations with the possibility that in future it may mutate enough to become a new strain in long run.

Chances of mutants in innovation:

By understanding the tendency of these viruses to jump between species, to establish infection in a new host, and to identify significant reservoirs of coronaviruses will effectively aid in our ability to predict when and where potential epidemics can occur.
"Viruses mutate naturally as part of their life cycle," says Ewan Harrison, scientific project manager for the COVID-19 Genomics UK Consortium, a new project that tracks the virus in the United Kingdom.
Possibilities are there maybe mutations make it less virulent for humans or maybe result in increasing its virulence. There are chances with certainty these mutations will surely result in unfolding many hidden truths. So we go for more productive results in medical as well as a pharmaceutical area particularly developing effective treatment. Innovators have the chance of their high-value innovations.
